Request for proposals: Lymphatic Forum 2027
Request for proposals: Lymphatic Forum 2027 The Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN) and the North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO) invite institutions of higher learning to apply to host the Lymphatic Forum 2027, Exploring the Lymphatic Continuum.
The Biennial Lymphatic Forum is intended to bring together a diverse group of scientists and clinicians studying different aspects of normal and pathological lymphatic biology using different experimental models. This meeting is intended to provide a unique format for the exchange of ideas and information, to evaluate the current views on the functional roles of the lymphatic vasculature in health and disease, and to attract early investigators, young postdocs and students to join this expanding research area. The biennial Forum was inaugurated in 2013 at Yale University (New Haven, CT), and has since been sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH, 2015), Northwestern University (Chicago, IL, 2017), Texas A&M University (Austin, TX 2019), University of Calgary (Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2023), and Northwestern University (Chicago, IL 2025). A virtual meeting was held in 2021 during the pandemic.
Institutions interested in hosting LF2027 are invited to submit a proposal to host the Lymphatic Forum 2027. All applications will be considered on their merit alignment with the Forum’s ambitious goals.
Proposal due date: September 30, 2024
To submit a proposal, please provide brief answers to the following question and send this document to: [email protected].
All proposals will be evaluated by NAVBO and LE&RN and finalists will be determined and notified by or around December 15, 2024
Proposal Questions:
- The theme of the proposed forum and topics to be covered. (Indicate those with a clinical or translational aspect)
- The institution(s) collaborating on the forum
- The location and infrastructure available for the proposed meeting
- Attendance capacity
- The proposed budget
- Proposed sponsors
- Potential speakers (consider gender balance and inclusion of those from underrepresented groups)
- Ability and commitment to write NIH funding grant or secure commensurate alternate funding source 9. The names of the proposed Chairs/Organizers of the Forum, including their CVs and past experience in hosting similar or larger conferences
- General description of why your institution provides a unique opportunity for the LF2027
- Information on the program and budget of previous Lymphatic Forums available upon request to those submitting proposals.
General Information to Help in Your Planning
- Please consider the inclusion of those from underrepresented groups in lymphatic sciences (ethnicity, age, gender, etc.) – this will have an impact on an NIH grant
Support you can expect from NAVBO & LE&RN
- LE&RN’s and NAVBO’s primary function will be to promote LF2027 to its members. Promotion will include the following: print media, “Save the Date” postcards distributed at NAVBO/LE&RN meetings, e-blast to databases.
- Website: NAVBO and LE&RN will provide websites, which will contain all the pertinent information about the Forum.
- Registration: NAVBO will handle all registrations and appropriate Abstract submission
- NAVBO will set up an online abstract submission system and provide the host with the capability to review abstracts online.
- LE&RN and NAVBO will both collect travel award applications through the online abstract submission process. They will also provide some funding for these travel awards.
Administrative Services
- Services provided by NAVBO and LE&RN will be limited to providing the host with prior Forum programs, budgets, and grant proposals.
Responsibilities of the Host Organization/Institution:
- In conjunction with the Forum Steering Committee, select and invite speakers
- Arrange all appropriate accommodations for speakers
- An R13 grant should be submitted to the NHLBI by August 12 of the previous year (please note: the LOI is due February 28)*
- Fundraising: The host site will be responsible for acquiring the funds to support speaker travel and hotel, A/V, poster boards, and other functions or activities. It is recommended that host organizations not guarantee speaker expense reimbursement unless funds have been committed for that purpose, such as grants or corporate support. Otherwise, we suggest only guaranteeing to waive the meeting registration at the time of the invitation.
- Meeting Space: The host is responsible for the coordination of all meeting spaces, including any dining or special functions
- Space is needed for platform and poster sessions. If possible, mingle lunch with posters or provide a separate room for lunch.
- All A/V needs including poster boards
- Accessibility: Meeting rooms should be equipped with the necessary Internet access
• Food and Beverage: The host is responsible for providing coffee breaks and can decide whether to provide breakfast and/or lunch. Dinner is usually on their own, however, you may opt to hold one dinner or reception for networking purposes. These costs should be covered by registration fees since most companies and NIH will not cover food. - Neither NAVBO nor LE&RN will assume liability for any financial loss incurred by this meeting. Care should be taken to ensure a realistic budget.
* If you are unfamiliar with the R13 application process, please visit this website: (https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/grants-and-training/policies-and-guidelines/conference-grant-r13-application-procedures). It is important to note that the LOI requires a preliminary program and a list of invited speakers.